jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011
V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?
The sinister Guy Fawkes mask made famous by the film V for Vendetta has become an emblem for anti-establishment protest groups. Who's behind them?
From New York, to London, to Sydney, to Cologne, to Bucharest, there has been a wave (oleada)of protests against politicians, banks and financial institutions.
Anybody watching coverage of the demonstrations (manifestaciones) may have been struck by a repeated motif - a strangely stylised mask of Guy Fawkes with a moustache and pointy beard.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange arrived at the Occupy London Stock Exchange protest to make a speech (charla) wearing one of these masks. He took it off, reportedly at the insistence of the police.
They were thought to have been used first by the notorious hacker-activist group Anonymous in 2008 during a protest against Scientology, but have since spread throughout the global protest movement.
The masks are from the 2006 film V for Vendetta where one is worn by an enigmatic lone anarchist who, in the graphic novel on which it is based, uses Fawkes as a role model in his quest (búsqueda) to end the rule of a fictional fascist party in the UK.
Early in the book V destroys the Houses of Parliament by blowing it up (explosionándolo)something Fawkes had planned and failed to do in 1605.
British graphic novel artist David Lloyd is the man who created the original image of the mask for a comic strip (tira cómica) written by Alan Moore.
"The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny - and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way," he says.
A curious Lloyd visited the Occupy Wall Street protest in Zuccotti Park, New York, to have a look at some of the people wearing his mask.
"My feeling is the Anonymous group needed an all-purpose image to hide their identity and also symbolise that they stand for individualism - V for Vendetta is a story about one person against the system."
The film of V for Vendetta ends with an image of a crowd (muchedumbre)of Londoners all wearing Guy Fawkes masks, unarmed and marching on parliament.
It is that image of collective identification and simultaneous anonymity that is appealing to Anonymous and other groups, says Rich Johnston, a commentator on the world of comics.

The widespread adoption of the masks was definitely a reaction to the film rather than the book, he argues.

"We knew that V was going to be an escapee from a concentration camp where he had been subjected to medical experiments but then I had the idea that in his craziness (locura)he would decide to adopt the persona and mission of Guy Fawkes - our great historical revolutionary."
The masks were originally made by Warner Bros to promote the film and were handed out at screenings (proyecciones). Now they are being sold to everyone from activists to fancy dress enthusiasts.

He thinks the widespread use of the mask "signifies a loss of trust (pérdida de confianza) in politics - Guy Fawkes is the most anti-political figure you can pick".
One Anonymous member camping out in the shadow of London's St Paul's Cathedral said she was with a group of 15 people and planned to stay for "as long as necessary".

She said that she and others had been wearing the masks, not only to protect their identity but also because it has become a symbol of the movement against corporate greed (avaricia).
"It's a visual thing, it sets us apart from the hippies and the socialists and gives us our own identity. We're about bypassing (evitando) governments and starting from the bottom."