In some countries such as the United States egg rolling is a popular Easter game. This is usually done with coloured eggs. One of the most well known events is held in America on the White House lawn. Children and parents push the eggs along through the grass with wooden spoons.
Decorate the house and yard where you're holding the party with lots of pastel-colored helium balloons, streamers, and paper cutouts of eggs, rabbits, and carrots.
Fill several dozen multicolored plastic eggs with candy, small toys, and money (think quarters and fifty-cent pieces). Write "Congratulations" on a bright sheet of paper; fold it up and put it in one of the eggs.
Hide all the eggs. Make some easier to find for the little kids, and some much more difficult for the older children.
Set up a table inside with colored - but blank - paper bags, colored markers and stickers. When the children arrive, have them decorate and personalize a bag for the Easter egg hunt. The hunt begins after everyone has decorated his or her bag.
When all the eggs are found, ask who found the special egg with "Congratulations" in it. Award the recipient a prize like a huge chocolate egg or bunny.
Encourage the children to take part in an egg toss and egg relay race. (See the Related eHows for game instructions.)
Serve refreshments after the egg toss. Good choices are pink fizzy punch, sandwiches with the crusts cut off, decorated Easter cookies and baby carrots.
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